Enough already of the Miss California Pageant "controversy".
There's NO controversy. The woman was asked a question, she answered!
The controversy rests in the incessant need for Left oriented media and special groups to control what comes out of everyone's mouths. It is time political correctness be done away with.
My posts aren't about politics, but it is impossible to remain silent and unbiased in the face of such hypocrisy.
The thought control police is out in force in events like this. As I said before, people go out of their damn way to get offended and hurt.
America was founded with freedom of speech at the top of the list. So why the hell are these Gestapo representatives so upset?
I believe that in an effort to try an please everyone, they show their own biases and their own guilts.
I have no problem with people wanting to be together. Who gives a shit? The problem starts when anyone, shoves their brand of believes, morals or lack there of, on the rest of us. Specially me!
These idiots expect that everyone would file in line and diligently follow their prescribed brand of politics. No freaking way!!!
Carrie Prejean, who by the way is a babe; had the strong conviction to tell what she believes. If they didn't want an honest answer, they shouldn't had asked the damn question.
But at the same it is wonderful to see that the "liberal cool-aid" hasn't spread yet to every soul on the land.
I don't care who you support, admire or cream over. Just don't expect for the whole country to agree with you. You have the right to say what you want, but you got to know, we don't have to listen to the crap.
Now, whom ever the hell didn't like Carrie's answer is still siting with their Pampers in a wad. They are still harboring hate and frustration towards this honest girl. Not knowing what else to do or say to condemn the horror, they have decided to try and discredit her. Oh yeah.
The best thing they came up with was that Carrie has fake breast implants!!! Hypocrisy at best. They got their little boot-lickers like Maggie Rodriguez at the "Early Show" to interview, Keith Lewis, the co-Director of the Miss California Pageant who admitted to helping Prejean get the "boob job."
Hypocrisy at best, working overtime.
The surprising thing is, that these morons get upset and offended when people like Glen Beck "dare" to question their idiotic motives and double standards.
We see through the muck and double speak.
Respect goes both ways!
To Carrie I say, Good going girl. Never be afraid to stand for what you believe. Never let anyone force their opinions or politics on you.
Oh yeah. Would you like to grace my breast appreciation site with your lovely pictures?
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