Not really reading the magazine and not really paying attention to the boring story behind whatever article the picture was associated with, my mind wonder over the images briefly. You know how you do it when you have nothing else to do, but to endure your stay on the line.
All of the sudden I felt this uncomfortable sensation of a pair of eyes drilling into my neck. I turned around and my eyes caught the stare of this very stressed out woman. I could tell that she was fighting her own words from just blurting out some kind of "wisdom". Instead, she just merely said "Evil!" "Women who expose their breasts and men who look are evil."
What the hell was that?!
She let that out in a hateful manner. She did not looked at me while she said it, but it was said with my benefit in mind; and maybe for everyone else who just may think that beasts are evil.
After getting into my car, I began to ponder that remark. What could possibly make someone blurt that stupidity out? How, could anyone, think that a Heavenly creation could ever deserve to be label "Evil".
Please, don't get me wrong. I'm a conservative in many aspects of my life, but thinking that the very same source which feeds infants is wrong or worst yet, "evil" really boils my blood. It is not secret that I love boobs. I do and I will always will.
With all the serious subjects that populate the news nowadays, this woman is taking it upon herself to make sure, everyone knows how judgmental and superior she is with her own brand of finger-shaking shame? Give a freaking brake.
Murders, socialism, corporate greed, Government radicalism, serious disease, joblessness, terrorism, apparently aren't enough topics of concern for her and others like her. They feel is their obligation to impart judgment on you an me, for simply admiring God's handy work.
I noticed that she didn't have any breastage to speak of. Humm, maybe it was a case of sour-grapes in her situation.
Do you want to know what Evil is? HOA's Yep. Home Owner Associations. Those are pure evil. Nothing more than a bunch of self aggrandizing, self serving, worthless, money grabbing, collection of predators ready to trample your basic needs just so they can get YOUR money.
I figure this much. I'm not guilty of drugs, robberies, child abuse, hateful crimes, discrimination, no sitting in Church on Sunday but stabbing someone in back on Monday, or planning to ruin someone's life, no 911 conspiracy. Nope.
The only thing apparently that makes me Evil, is my love of women and breasts. Wow, I think I can live with those odds.
Just look at the picture of Michelle Marsh; if loving and liking the most beautiful thing on the Planet is dirty, inappropriate, bad, terrible and of course EVIL, then I am evil.
I don't know, you tell me.
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