Saturday, September 08, 2012

Congrats Alabama

Roooollll Tiiiiiiiiiidde!!

Really not much to say about this game.

Check out the Alabama 2012 Scores and Schedules 

A beautiful redhead rides the amazing Twin Turbo Z06 Vette

Well, this post really doesn't need a hell of a lot of introduction or words. The video says it all. This is from a post back in March 2012 but it doesn't hurt to watch it again...and again and again....

Watch the video here

Friday, September 07, 2012

Breast Cancer Ad

This is a great and pointed TV advertisement from the that aired on Sept 5th in Scotland.

The TV ad reads "Elaine C Smith fronts 'shock' cancer campaign". The ad also says that it is a "World's First", because the actress Actress Elaine C. Smith who lost her mother to breast cancer promoted this bold and refreshing campaign.

Wow, finally someone (organization) who wasn't afraid to "offend" the fragile sensitivities of a segment of the population.

This is a £30 million Scottish Government effort to increase the number of early cancer detection in that country.

Scotland's Health Secretary  Nicola Sturgeon said that the promotion was intended to be “hard-hitting” to ensure the health message was heard. “This is ground-breaking and hard-hitting.

I'm glad that organizations and governments such as these, are taking bold steps to prevent and cure this mortal decease.

Kudos to Scotland!

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Roll Tide!

Well, this little post comes almost a week late; but better late than never right?

The best team in the land just got off to a great start. 41-14!

I don't want to jinx anything here, but it's hard not to feel pumped when "Bama" is just getting going!!!

I supposed for the next 15 weeks I'll be posting a Rolllllll Tiiiiiiide on this blog.

Ya'll feel free to post your kudos :)

Check out the Alabama 2012 Scores and Schedules