What's on my mind today. Humm. Socialism!
Today I read that Sonia Sotomayor will be confirmed to be the Supreme court's first Hispanic, third woman and 111th justice. Somehow, perhaps in another Era or even another Universe, would be a time for celebration. This time around isn't.
It is hard to stay out of the political arena and try and not to make comments, but when the wrongs are patently clear I can't help it.
There is a famous picture of a bunch of Lemmings happily leaping off the World's edge into a precipice. For some reason, I see the same picture being played out for real some sectors of our society. These amoeba like single brain cell organisms, are marching to beat of the State controlled media and they love it!
They are gladly handing away their rights as free citizens, just to conform to the "popular" view; that some other 'single-cells' decided was the prescription to follow.
Sotomayor is nothing more than an ideologue with a robe. A woman who not only does not care for the written constitutional law, but one who openly makes fun of the law. (http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_071409/content/01125108.guest.html)
At the moment it appears that a few in the country's leadership have hijacked the consciousness fo the 'single-cells' and are hell-bent in taking this nation to Socialism. We are one step closer now, Sotomayor's confirmation. What a shame.
Who the hell cares is this woman is Hispanic or not. That is racist at the highest.
Why the hell are the socialists so enamored with the idea of putting the entire American way of life in the hands of a Hispanic!?
We were warned by Nikita Khrushchev himself, that "the United States could never be conquered from the outside, but from the inside". That seems to be happening right now.
Yup, one step closer to socialism.
I still have some faith in the American people who haven't spoken yet. Those who are frustrated, and feel that they have been betrayed; not only by clowns like Pelosi, Obama, Kennedy, Reid, Clinton etc., but by those who you thought; may have had the best interest of the Nation in hand like McCain, Hatch, Bush and of course turncoats like Arlen Specter. What an asshole.
Perhaps, it is the time of the cleansing. Perhaps the nation just like the planet, knows how to expose and get rid of its own waste. I sure hope so.
I supposed the pendulum will be coming back from it's left oriented swing to the right of the spectrum again. I only hope that in the mean time, the country will survive the chaos in between.
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