Since I'm an American living in America, perhaps it is easier to get lost in the many wonderful things this nation has to offer. Choices and options.
I know that there are many things I myself take for granted; such as Freedom to go to whatever Church I wish, gather with whatever groups of people I wish to, listen to and watch whatever I wish to, read and write whatever I want to - This blog case in point - and become whatever my heart desires. And to do all of these things in peace and in the open. Without having to fear some storm trooper's questions as I go about my life.
This nation is like a golden well of wishes. Here, you can fall into a bucket of shit and come up smelling like roses, if you doubt that just look at the life of any half witted celeb. Anna Nicole Smith comes to mind. RIP.
The point is, that it doesn't matter what your feeble mind tells you about yourself, if you want it, there are ways to make it happen in America.
I get to read sometimes the America haters in Youtube, and other social sites. They love to spew their hate for the country who feeds them, cloth them and provide the very means for them to express their hate. I find it astonishing how retrograde and myopic their comments and perceptions are. To me, it clearly illustrates their ignorance and total lack of knowledge of America at any level.
I believe I understand a bit better why some people hate America.
They hate it because they don't understand it, they hate it because they fear it; they fear America because it threatens their lack of respect for others and their social status. America also exposes their weaknesses and vulnerability. America shines so bright in the constellation of nations that envy drives their feelings. America points out their basic need for power, control and domination. America makes them feel inadequate and small. Instead of emulating what America has done, they choose the lazy and easy way.... hate.
Me, I breath this country from sun up to sun down. Every part of it, and I thrive on it.
At the moment there is a foul smell in the air; but I believe the people will finally wake up from the social panacea or bill of goods they were sold and will start to feel invigorated and push through the fog of self-importance, entitlement, lack of responsibility and apathy that some politicians love to manifest.
I know that this nation is slated for greatness and abundance. It is blatantly apparent unless you're mentally deficient, lack any senses or a hater of freedom and peace.
There is quote that says "What you find offensive makes you weak". I invite those with open hearts and clear minds to really see America for what it is. A gift to the world from our Creator. Anyone who wants to contribute and belong is welcome!
When I started this blog, I wanted to stay away from political issues. It is hard to talk about America without touching on some of those political margins. I choose to focus my attention on the wonders of this land.
Here's another quote that sums up clearly, some of sentiments for the country that I love-
So, then, to every man his chance -- to every man, regardless of his birth, his shining golden opportunity -- to every man his right to live, to work, to be himself, to become whatever his manhood and his vision can combine to make him -- this, seeker, is the promise of America.
- -- Thomas Wolfe
Lauded Dutch Golden Age Painter Rachel Ruysch Gets Her First Major Survey
in the U.S.
[image: Lauded Dutch Golden Age Painter Rachel Ruysch Gets Her First Major
Survey in the U.S.]The major survey includes more than 90 international