233 years of struggling to be the beacon for popular Democracy, intellectual Freedom and the place where anyone's dreams could come true. That's what our Founding Fathers had in mind.
Given the current conditions that the Nation finds herself in, I would said she's probably feeling a bit middle age and perhaps cramping.
Don't get me wrong. I believe this nation is "God's Country" still. At least for the time being.
I like to believe that the greatest country the World has ever seen, will recover from the current malady that its now suffering; Naysayerism!
This glorious land has been blessed with tremendous natural resources, vast tracks of land and huge bodies of fresh water, but perhaps most of all; countless human potential.
While growing up, it was hard to really understand the magnificence of this country. I had a sense of course, but I never had a firm grasp. It wasn't until I was much older that it hit me. I was damn lucky to have been allowed by Divinity to live here!
But, why does it seem as though that there's only a few, who really understand, appreciate and cherish this gift?
Lately, it appears that most people do not care. Maybe, it is because the people who are vested with the responsibly to make sure young people have a sense of duty and responsibility to this Nation; aren't passing that along. It is apparent that the 'neo-socio-coms' are too busy patting each other in the back while promoting self aggrandizing agendas, rather than serving the country.
Anyway, Happy Birthday my gorgeous America!
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