Perhaps saying that the "A" stands for Aviation alone may not be all that accurate. It also stands for America. I'm so damn proud to be an American that my mouth hurts from smiling!
So, henceforth, the A's will stand for America & Aviation… and other “A” related activities that I happen to be interested in.
...Land That I Love... Yeah, most of us know the little tune, but it just so happens to be true in my case. I’m genuinely in love with my country. I love every day on this glorious land of ours.
Somehow, somewhere someone decided to make it unfashionable if you feel the stirs of Patriotism within. They dimed it to be “controversial” and passé. Not for this kid!
Politics aside, I believe this part of the world to be amazing. Amazing not only for what it represents but for its raw natural splendor.
I have had the opportunity to visit 44 of our States; meet their people, taste their foods and participate in many local activities. In every one of those States I have found a piece of America, alive and well.
Not all is perfect of course. We have so much more to learn and teach, but given the alternative, I’ll take it any day!
Having had the opportunity to travel abroad to many other wonderful places (20 countries and counting), still fills me with awe and joy, every time I land back on this soil. It has made me appreciate what we have right outside our front doors. I enjoy the interaction from other cultures and philosophies; it gives me a comparison and a sensible platform to base my own observations of America.
Hell, just look around - Aviation, Breasts & Corvettes™, all under one sun for everyone to love and enjoy in peace. Only in America!
Man, what a gift we have here. Don't F-it Up!
Big props to all of those who are protecting it.
Aviation has always been a huge part of who I am. I was born for it.
My early years were always around airports and airplanes.
Since childhood my imagination soared to great heights when the glorious Thunder of jets pounded on my chest. The metallic wings glitter in the Sun and I was off the ground when the smell of JP4 fueled my dreams.
I love Aviation as a whole. But, the most interesting form of flight to me, it is the personal type.
The idea of being able to leave the ground and a few moments later you’re touching clouds man, that's exciting to me; especially if you don't have to buy a frigging ticket to do it.
Tremendous leaps have been made by entrepreneurial companies in the arena of personal aviation in the last few years.
These manufacturers make personal flying gear with the intent to get the average Joe (me) up into the wild blue. Albeit not the cheapest thing either, but close enough.
You don't have to spend countless hours in a class room taking expensive courses; nor have to have a "license" to fly. No sir, you take a few instructor guided classes and then walk up to the nearest hilltop and boom, you're learning to fly!
I'm talking about Paragliders, Power Paragliders and Ultralight aircraft. These awesome machines will take you up there Yeah!
After the proper training has been imparted you too can be with the birds. Just because the power of flight has been made available to you, doesn't mean that any half-whit with gear should take to the air. There are plenty of those on the roads already.
You need a certified instructor to school you on the right way to take advantage of your new flying machine.
Lately I've been increasingly interested on purchasing a two place Ultralight. The Cosmos (French) has been an industry standard, but trying to find parts and such around these here parts it is almost impossible or very expensive. So, I'm definitely looking for a home grown brand. North Wing, Spartan DFS, etc.
We will see what '09 brings.
My dream is to someday do a cross-country flight in a Delta-Wing ultra light. (Remember Flyaway Home?)
But if I really want to get my adrenaline really pumping and my senses heighten, then I book it to the next upcoming Air show!
My whole being comes truly alive when the sky-ripping sound of Raptors, Eagles, Vipers and Falcons thunders in the space above me. Now I know where Pink Floyd came up with the “Delicate Sound of Thunder” title.
Commercial Aviation also plays a great part in my life. It allows me to interact with others around the world. I get to visit great new places, see new things and develop my understanding of our World. I hate those damn long lines though.
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