Monday, February 09, 2015

Glam-Rock and Vettes

Every once in a while, two or three of the things I love the most, come together. On this occasion, Vettes, Rock&Roll and America kinda get rolled in together.

Paul Stanley of KISS talks about his love for American cars and the beauty of the new Vettes.
I love hearing things like these. Gives a bit of internal fuel and confirmation that I'm not the only only one who cares for the same things.  Rock on and enjoy your Vette Paul!

Read about the piece here

Friday, February 06, 2015

Good News of the Day

It has been a really long time since I've been here and actually put something down on a page.
Many, many things has happened since my last time. It seems that the news is overwhelmingly saturated with the bad stuff, the stuff that sells.

Well, I think that for my own sanity and to boost my faith and belief  in people, I've decided to start including the "GOOD" stuff. The stuff that sometimes gets buried or hidden away in the mountains of media.

After all, it seems that it is more important to know what the hell Kim or Bruce are doing with their pathetic lives than an actual feel good story.

Anyway, here's the story (or link to) of a person who deserves some attention and some good fortune. Cheers to you Mr. James Robertson!!!

Detroit worker who walks 20  miles to work, gets a car!