It has certainty been quite a while since my last post. I supposed it has to do with the many "challenges" I have encounter in the last few months.
Whew, where do I begin?
Everyone in America seems to be coasting trough a rough patch nowadays. I'm not going to sit here and blame the "economy", but I will point my finger to those who we have entrusted to look after the well being of the Nation. They are the ones who have failed miserably in their duties; but they alone aren't at fault. We the people, who elected these ill adept individuals must bare a large portion of the blame.
Yup, you and me baby!
Well, mostly you. Yeah, you who haven't got a clue as to what America or being an American really means. You who will gladly sell out your birth right for a vague promise of "green" paradise and you; the one who would also sell the assests of the Nation for a greedy, quick buck and status on your driveway. Disgrace!
I guess, if you are not aware that you lack certain basic principles, then is your teachers and ultimately your parents who must bare the brunt of the blame.
America I believe is starting to wake up, to stir up to a new reality and a new way to see itself.
Forever will I be ashamed of those who love to badmouth this country without really understanding the "Spirit" it posses. I'm not talking spirituality here, yeah, I know, there's always someone who will get out his/hers way to get offended. I'm talking about the inert Spirit that permeates every single square mile of this land.
As a well traveled individual, I have always been pleasantly amazed at the feeling I get, when I return home. When my feet touch the ground of this country, there's always an unspoken gratitude.
The other factors for me taking such a leave of absence from this blog, is my new found knowledge of a health issue. Yeah, everyone has something or other. But since it is mine I feel special.
I've been working on getting in a better frame of mind and body.
I tell you, the 3 miles everyday seems to be actually doing something good. If nothing else, I got to know the neighborhood pretty damn well. Specially the public bathrooms!
Drinking water like Charlie Sheen drinks booze tends to create a schedule event almost every hour!!!!!
I just wish water came packaged in breasts. Which leads me to my next topic.
Breasts as we all know and love, well if you aren't ashamed to admit it, are in trouble. Yup that damn cancer.
We have got to do more to eradicate that malign condition.
Someone very dear once pointed out that in this society, we have money for Trees, Rocks, Cow Farts, Union paid vacations, and every conceivable scheme people came conjure up. But, no money for titties. Unless they are at the bar.
We have got be more proactive and "tolerant" of breasts in our society. Yeah that's right. I'm still baffle by the retrograde view of breasts in our country. Breasts if you haven't paid attention are the givers of L I F E!
What is so "evil" and "dirty" about them!?
I haven't been keeping up with news and research on cures and best practices lately. That's also part of my struggle. I have been in a funk. A severe one.
I started this blog to find solace and enjoy the 3 things which I love. Aviation/America, Breasts and Corvettes.
But I have to fight to stay motivated and write about them.
I really dislike pity-parties but I understand their genesis.
I'm promising to myself to update the site, to find the models and information needed to continue.
On the Aviation side of things, it is damn depressing to hear that Cirrus Industries Inc., parent company of Cirrus Aircraft, has been sold to China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co.
Who would have thought it. China is buying out American Aviation!
Tata for now-
Lauded Dutch Golden Age Painter Rachel Ruysch Gets Her First Major Survey
in the U.S.
[image: Lauded Dutch Golden Age Painter Rachel Ruysch Gets Her First Major
Survey in the U.S.]The major survey includes more than 90 international